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Show Website: Hosts Brian Doyle:… Robb Rogers:… Tim McNeil:

Sponsors vCIOToolbox: OSR Manage: In this episode, we talked about how we are planning for next year here at MSP Business School. 3:38 – Brian starts talking about planning for 2023. He gives some tips on how he will be going to budget so that he can comprehend the impact of the budget for the following year. 4:55 – Robb agrees with Brian’s statement. He expresses his opinion that if you have the client or prospect inside, now is a great time to revisit any proposals that may have kind of ghosted you. You can also use a campaign or other methods to review any proposals. 6:22 – Brian discusses the idea of connecting prospects and sending female energy straight to males. Of course, we also touch briefly on non-traditional holiday fashion, but it’s also important to remember that men should always come first when making decisions. It’s also the time of year when you should look fantastic in costume, and if they have the opportunity to go out, bring them a gift in real life real form. 10:20 – Brian suggests that you do something nice for your customers, something that your top-tier customers will appreciate, and it could be something simple. 13:43 – Robb agrees with Brian’s said. On their side, they no longer focused on MRR in the final month. They only focused on the capital budget that you chased after the project. 20:13 – Robb says that speaking with high-level decision-makers who are difficult to reach is extremely beneficial. So those are the things we like to do at the end of the year when we know a lot of people are on vacation and try to get a deeper conversation with the CEO or anyone else trying to bring it through.